Thursday, June 18, 2009

The boys

First half of 2009 has been are some pictures of the boys:

Learning how to get along and play...
Ben got the best balloon hat ever!

Ben experienced his first Dodgers game w/ his dad and LOVED IT!
Rode w/ a bunch of guys on the SB Airbus and Ben quickly became part of the big boys when he wore the Manny wig/hat...
Nick at his first day of preschool...why didn't I get him started sooner? He didn't want to leave and I had to drag him out screaming! Few weeks later and he still loves it!
Nick stays protected from big brother by wearing his army hat from possible flying balls...he feels especially vulnerable while talking on the phone w/ his buddies...

We learned how to make a recliner out of our umbrella worked great!

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