Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Amanda's UCSB Graduation

Mandy did it! Graduated from UCSB...we had a wonderful time celebrating w/ her. We all went out to dinner the night before (Todd, Annie, Kate, Mandy, Jon, Grant and Susie)...

Mandy the day of graduation w/ her boyfriend, Hannes...

Mandy w/ her mom, Kate, dad, Rob, and 2 of her 3 brothers...Joe and Sam...

Mandy w/ her mom, and her 2 aunts...Aunt Annie and Aunt Susie...

Mandy and her mom, Kate...

Mandy w/ her step-dad, Jon...

And a fun party back at our house...

Congrats Lou! We love you!

1 comment:

Jerald said...

Was it just the foto or is it for real the great resemblance between Rob and Sam? That foto with the family surrounding the table on the eve before the graduation brought a smile to my face but also an ache to my heart wishing that I too could have been there.
